2011年4月20日 星期三

ubuntu 將ape或tta轉成flac

System: 2.6.32-29-generic Ubuntu


需要shntool (轉換utility) mac (for handling ape), flac, ttaenc
mac: deb file in i386
ttaenc http://pkgs.org/package/ttaenc

sudo dpkg -i mac-3.99-u4_b3-1_i386.deb (for ape)
sudo dpkg -i ttaenc_3.4.1-0.1_i386.deb (for tta)
sudo apt-get install flac
sudo apt-get install shntool

use shntool to split ape according to the information in the cue file

shntool split -f image.cue -t '%n.%t' -o flac image.ape

Similarly for tta file.

* cue file needs to be utf8

Ref: Converting Monkey’s Audio (ape) to flac in Ubuntu
